Monthly Archive: February 2019

Tips For Being A Good Bridesmaid

The bridesmaids are a crucial component of the wedding retinue and they are also one of the major factors that help keep the bride sane and positive throughout the whole course of the events leading up to the big day. Being a bridesmaid is not just about putting on your dress and smiling for pictures at the photo shoots, it is also about supporting the bride and helping her get through the course of the events in terms of wedding planning. Regardless of whether you’re helping the bride relieve some last minute jitters or find some affordable reception venues Tasmania, your job and responsibility is to help out in whatever ways you can and help the bride have a stress free planning process.

Always Be Present

When it comes to a wedding, there are certain pre wedding events such as bridal showers and bachelorette parties that you have to attend and help to put together so its not just on the wedding day that the bride will need your help. Whether it is to find some affordable reception venues or go dress hunting, you should always try to be present and helpful in whatever way you can because your availability and your willingness to help will definitely mean a lot to the bride to be.

Help Her De-Stress

As a bridesmaid, one of your biggest duties is to keep the bride to be from turning into bridezilla or having a nervous breakdown and the best way to do this is to help the bride to be relax and calm her mind from all of the tasks that she has to complete before the big day. Planning a wedding is a very stressful task and that is why there are always bridesmaids to help the bride to be calm down and relax. You could simply do something as relaxing as taking your friend out for a spa night or a movie where you avoid discussing details about the planning process of the big day.

A Listening Ear

Regardless of whether you’re marrying a douchebag or a nice guy, every bride goes through jitters and experiences some sort of nervousness before doing the deed and getting married. The bridesmaids’ duty is to keep the wedding and relationship from falling apart and lend a listening ear to your bride to be when she wants to vent and get her frustration out. Lending a listening ear or even a shoulder to cry on in times of stress and confusion can be very helpful so we suggest keeping a box of tissues on you at all times because the waterworks might come any time as the date closes in.